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  1. ok guys hopefull this will work. here is the demo Aimbot did try to upload it, but it came up you are not permitted to use upload this type of file
  2. just a quick question. is there not a way whereby there is something more perminent that we could put into the configs. Clanforge for some reason does not like the pbsv.cfg sitting in the config files, so basically anynthing that is meant to be in pbsv.cfg, we've dumped into the pbsvuser.cfg. i'm only asking this, so that either myself or the other server admins don't have to keep tying this in every time the server crashes, or we restart them.
  3. all of our servers are now streaming, but, i received the demo back on the 28th, and one of my server admins thought it would be a good idea to download all of the COD4 logs files and delete them from clanforge. can't really complain about that as there was well of a gig on one server alone.
  4. just found out that one of my fellow clan members sorted it out. thanks for all of your help. Fozzer, i may reinstall my RTCW and meet you @ market garden, would'nt mind paying a visit to where i started playing FPS.
  5. still having problems with it not streaming, it maybe conflicting with somthing in my config, or i maybe missing something, i'm willing to go through with what i've done with you, but not in an open forum, just in case you want to see my config files. also i have asked for some help from a couple of guys who are on Multiplay, just waiting for them to get back to me. once thats done, i'll set up our other 2 cod4 servers as well.
  6. i've done that, hopefully it will start streaming soon. cheers fozzer oh by the way fozzer, did you use to play on an RTCW jolt server called market garden
  7. the server is not streaming. i've added the pbsv.cfg & the pbucon.use to the config in clanforge, i restarted the pb server, but when i type in pb_sv_uconlist i get this PunkBuster Client: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name] PunkBuster Client: End of PB UCON Profile List (0 Entry) instead of this PunkBuster Client: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name] PunkBuster Client: 1 1 pbbanshub PunkBuster Client: End of PB UCON Profile List (1 Entry) can someone please help
  8. i've already (fingers crossed) set 1 server up as a trial, but as of yet i don't know if it's streaming, as our servers are hosted by multiplay, and therefore its a bit of a hit and miss on the configs. also this demo was submitted to me by a member of the public that was playing on our server at the time.
  9. hi there i have a demo of a player using and aimbot on our server. where or who do i need to post it.
  10. hi there our servers are hosted by Multiplay, & i've just added the pbsv.cfg & pbucon,use to the configs. i've followed the intructions to check streaming and i'm getting nothing. i've tried to check to see if our server is in the Master Stream Index, but its not. i don't know if i've set it up correctly, so would it be possible if someone could help. cheers
  11. another one here who is interested in setting up our servers for streaming here, and like BlackhandGeordieuk, our servers are hosted by Multiplay, and were also streaming to Punksbusted. is there a specific way to setup our servers, or do we just copy & paste. some help would be nice.
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