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Everything posted by TC_Foofighter

  1. trying to add cod5 server - - but get message that its already streaming - doesnt appear on list - can someone add to our account please? many thanks Foofighter :)
  2. shine up that badge!

  3. our hosts saying our server wont go live until end of april earliest - and thats about as reliable as a chocolate teapot.
  4. Excellent service - excellent community - proud to be part of it Happy Birthday fae |TC|
  5. small donation made & even finally subscribed ^_^ hope you up and running again soon
  6. Sig 746 added <_<
  7. Donation sent guys - massive thumbs up from us folks here at TheCLAN.me.uk in bonny Scotland Foo ;)
  8. As always great work guys and am really pleased to see you asking "is my baby ugly?" ( sign of good development in my book) Voted: no: i only manage 1 server and am sure that the Account Management area can be improved - I dont have a magic bullet - I just find it clunky (espcially 'greetings') yes: found what i needed in both the downloadable guides and the forums. 15-30mins: read the guides.... yes: (apologies but havent read entire thread - so my bad if already discussed/flamb
  9. B) Good work - many thanks for keeping us all uptodate - server is streaming again with new configs - purring like a kittycat :D
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