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Everything posted by !AR!BlackHawk

  1. Woops, seems like my PM was posted on AIR lol, anyways Bob, you should have a PM :)
  2. That was scary..... Welcome Back to the frontline, comrade!
  3. As far as i know there isnt much to be fixed, if a Server Admin makes abuse of his own server then that his problem. The bans they are making dont end up on the PunkBuster MasterServer as they get flaged invalid. Only problem we got here is that most Streaming Communitys use the PunkBuster Violations to ban people from a server. PunkBuster trusts in server admins to be honest, if they are not, then that not there problem. Which i fully understand, it would be a good thing from them if they fix the problem, but i doubt that because they simply dont get paid for securing a game server. Meaning the only ones that are in a need for changing there backends are the streaming communitys with all due respect. There are solutions enough to stop "spam" trough the MBL's its just a matter of implanting them into the core systems. Anyways, a fix would be nice, but i doubt it will happen after i read the facts.
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