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Everything posted by bullrees

  1. It is streaming now. Thanks again for everyone's help.
  2. thanks for the help. Server still says Awaiting admin approval but I'll double check everything.
  3. Team is "Let Them Pray" Tags are [LTP] thx
  4. All should be updated now on my account except team name and tags as I cannot change that.
  5. Thx iceman....seems I wasted people time anyway. It was my only question really. If I could rejoin the stream. i will get it going in the am....late here. Thx all for the help and understanding.
  6. No not at all...I just expected the worst.
  7. When I said before...... it was months ago but you are free to check. EDIT: totally expect the ip to be banned with anything to do with pbbans.......but understandable.
  8. I was a streaming admin for a while before but was removed because I had a cracked cod4 server. I will not try to make excuses. It was my fault. Can I try again with a new website and new legal server or would it be a waste of everyone's time?
  9. You could use this The good thing about this is you don't need to give out the rcon pass.You create login and passwords for people.The screenshots don't look like what I have.On mine there are buttons for kick,tempban,ban.I have mine running on my webhost.You may need the query port open though.Also I use 1.8 and have not tried 1.9. http://callofduty.filefront.com/file/PHP_CoD2CoD4_RCON;86398
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