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  1. accusor is a old clan mate, that says he's trying to inform me of the situation. I'm still waiting for him to get me some more information on what he is finding, but from what I can see all my stuff checks out. not sure where the netherlands guid came from. my current guid is the one you posted up top with the last digits of 934. Thanks for the help and once I get some more information I will post.
  2. so im clean right?
  3. I'm going to check the ip address too. thanks.
  4. ok now the accusor is tell me I have like 15 different guids? and are linked to me? I've asked him to provide me with some information and he said he will get it.
  5. ok this is really weird, i just joined a server to check my guid and the guid that is listed doesn't match the one I posted? This one I ran through pb and it said it was a clean guid? This is driving me crazy.
  6. Ok it has been brought to my attention that I was listed on pbbans for cheating? I want to know what I can do if anything to get this fixed? This is a link to what pbbans is saying: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=12&guid=cb855c9d Is it possible that someone was able to get my guid and use it? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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