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Everything posted by johny=NBS=

  1. Thank you for your advise.and sorry for my misunderstanding. I'll tell it to EvenBalance.com. I did'nt know system like this. Let me say again thx about your management.
  2. In Japan.Some people(including me) experienced PBkick[Violation (AIMBOT) #50100] since December. They seem to have no reason to be kicked. Friend of mine even had been listed on PBBANS. 1,I want you to investigate wheather this PBkick is caused by this series of PB eror(bug). 2,I want you to investigate wheather this PBban is caused by this series of PB eror(bug). For example http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=49288 I would like you to investigate this case with top priority. 3,Both of those cases.I can offer some playing environment samples if needed. We need answer as soon as possible. If there is the bug like this(I'm sure). I want you to make it public,or let me do it.
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