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    Euro|AiM eSports
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    Battlefield 2142
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  1. We used to use multiplay and it's a bit more complex to set up. Firstly you need to access Clanforge and log into the Profile editor, go to the add-ons section for adding scripts to your profile and click little menu in the box and select the option that contains the PBBans plugin, select it. Once that's done you'll notice on the previous tab there is now a PBBans box you can put your ID in. Sorry I would give you pictures but I don't have clanforge with our new provider :)
  2. Don't worry we just switched server provider so we're working on that at the minute :)
  3. Cheers guys, you confirmed my thoughts. Now if he complains I have something to reference him to :)
  4. Hey guys, I'm an Admin for [E)S(D] and one of our newer members has just recently been banned for AIMBOTTING: ban id 50434 We're carrying out our own procedures to deal with this within the clan but before we decide exactly what the result should be we need to clarify something. He told us that he has not been hacking and was simply linked to a hacking website by another known hacker, he claims that the cookies from that website have been picked up by PB and this is what he has been banned for. We thought that this was dubious as it would go outside the lawful agreement that programs will not gather data outside their scope but we had another member approach us to say that this was infact the truth. Obviously before we can make our decisions we need to clarify this so does anyone have any insight they could offer? Thanks, Spongeblunt
  5. Yeah I've taken a few PB Screenshots and they only seem to come back fine on the people who run the game in low spec, everyone else's come back black.
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