well, i must admit i have messed around with some settings to gain fps because i lagged too much in some maps.
the thing is that, i've found some websites where they provide some configs that will make u gain fps.
i said ok lets test this.
in fact i didnt install anything, just 2, 3 cvars changed in console
and console said for example: default is 0, domain is 0 to 1
i put it at 1
then, i played like 1 whole day without problem, and i was happy, because my fps was nice, i had no more lag... great!
then this evening, i got kicked by PB for those cvars.
i said, oh no, damn, ok i set it back again.
which i did
and i still get kicked by PB from a server:
here is the PB message :
### PunkBuster kicked player '###' (for 2 minutes) ... MD5Tool Mismatch: main/iw_01.iwd (len=2048)
i know my files are clean, i wont mess with cvars anymore as my fps is great now with new drivers and fans cleaned.
it seems only one server kick me, does itmeans they banned me or PB kinda bugs or something ?
help would be appreciated here :)
ps: im new to PB games