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Everything posted by max_uk

  1. i have just started to get this ,this morning very frustrating and no change to pc at all every thing fine last night but this morning poof keep getting kicked
  2. just set up a server streaming for cod2 , have had pb enabled, with no probs but now i stream with all the md5 and cvar checks im getting people having probs with cg_draw shellshock, comming up and kicking them, any 1 no what this could be or is the just something im missing in the set up ,many thx oh its all standard maps but with extreme mod running may have found the awnser
  3. were looking for like minded clans that stream like us to play against in some friendly scrims, pref cod4 tdm [hardcore or normal] we play on a sunday evening and usually get about 7 players+, if any1 is intrested please go to our webby and pop yer contact in for us many thx www.nnc.org.uk
  4. i see how its done but how does that work if you have a clan tag, do you have to put the whole name ...ie [clantag]=+=yourname, this is hows ours would be is this right, otherwise if you just put yourname and no clantag it wouldnt work ? many thx
  5. max_uk


    many thx on that
  6. max_uk


    we run a couple of servers 1 of which is cod2, we stream ok with our cod4 but would like to start cod2 as well, but is it ok to stream as we only play custom maps and with the exreme mod, i wouldnt want our members to be banned for somthing i have done, so can i set our server up ok with custom maps and sound files and the extreme mod ,any info would help me many thx
  7. i seem to be streaming but cant get into the md5 thing to try and update the files all i get is Master Config Index - Access Denied please can any 1 shed any light on this, acc id 1936 many thx
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