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GamingFox AdminFed

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    Computers (networking, servers, security)
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    USA - nationwide

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    Admin Federation
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    Soldier of Fortune 2
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  1. By agreeing with PunkBuster's EULA, the seller allowed the actual computer to be hardware-banned if he was cheating. He got busted and the computer became useless (to gamers at least). So he decided to get rid of it by selling on eBay or somewhere. Therefore, he knowingly sold you a useless computer. It is sort like knowingly selling a bad or broken car (a lemon) to a buyer. Its the seller at fault, not EvenBalance. Plus, EvenBalance banned the computer, not you. They are not stopping you from using other computers to play on PB-enabled server. EvenBalance just don't like the computer itself (which is the one that violated the EULA in the first place). However, I would be very interested to see how this goes in court.
  2. there is an issue with recent PB update, everybody is getting it all over the world, including me and everyone in my server. EvenBalance is working on a solution for this crazy bug.
  3. This also could explain the empty win32 module problems on all other game platforms too... nice find! :D
  4. Also, the maker (he who shall not be named) of OSP 1.0i (not out yet) said that the 1.0i includes "Global buffer checking (fixes all public and not so public crashes)". He said 1.0i will be out very soon. Just a head-up.
  5. either custom crosshair or corrupted crosshair texture... not sure.
  6. One suggestion... Don't try to view alphabet, numbers, and special characters as characters. Try to view them as ASCII numbers. For example... All upper-case alphabet are ASCII numbers from 65 to 90. Lower-cases are from 97 to 122. Numbers are from 48 to 57. Speical characters are various, but you can try to group them into ranges. So if you write it in the C programming language, it might look like this... if((ch >= 48 && ch <= 57) || (ch >= 65 && ch <= 90) || (ch >= 97 && ch <= 122) || .... ) { strip_it(ch); } Something like that. It can really cut down the time because of less operations the program have to do. Just an idea. Don't know your source code, but just want to make sure you know about this. :D
  7. Its not bad, just need some work on speed and the formatting of the result. Plus, the "loading" bar with estimated time remaining would be nice too. :D Great work! Keep it up.
  8. I got Nvidia GeForce 6800GT, and I often hit 500 fps with no problem. Hell, one member of AF showed his screenshot of his 2,000 FPS at highest quality! http://theafh.low-ping.com/user/416/files/2000fps.bmp
  9. oh goody! more screenshots quizzes! :D
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