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Everything posted by Kraut

  1. Activision use a new server: cod4master.activison.com []. If you can't still connect to your server, disconnect from the internet (if you have a router switch it off), and reconnect. Without the disconnect CoD4 tried to resolve the name to the old address, tracert shows the new.
  2. For me it looks more like a problem with the server cod4master.activison.com ( I can't reach it. The last server I can see is los-edge-01.inet.qwest.net []. annex-3560g-a-gi0-28.activision.com [ seems to be dead.
  3. the internal name is mp_carentan You will know why if you have played UO or CoD2 before.
  4. I can't find any further informations on the Nvidia Page about the patch. As long it is not official I don't want to patch my server with this patch. Do you have another link than this download link?
  5. use the link I have posted before.
  6. Raise a trouble ticket at evenbalance: https://ssl.evenbalance.com/troubleticket Sometimes this problems are related to unsopported video drivers (MSI driver for example). Try to install a driver from ATI/NVIDIA. Be sure you have uinstalled the old driver before you install the new one. Read the install instructions before you change anything.
  7. This var can cause trouble with names if it is set to 1. PB_SV_ExtChar [0/1] The default setting of 0 tells PunkBuster to disallow extended ASCII Characters in player names; for the purposes of this command, characters that cannot be easily entered with simple keystrokes are considered extended The underscore is part of the standard ASCII table - shouldn't be a problem. What's the kickreason he can read on his screen? #111 is Bad Name (Extended ASCII Characters). If you set it to 0 you might have some trouble if you want to kick players by name and not by slotnumber.
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