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    Paint It Black
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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. I notice in some demos I have seen that when the person recording the demo is spectating someone, it will continue to spec them even after they die. I have spectate setup on my server but when the person dies, it freezes in that spot and does not follow the person once they respawn. You have to click to follow people again. Anyone know why this is? One more thing, when a person is in spectate and they type something, it is shown to everyone, even those alive. Why is this? Is there a setting that changes this?
  2. I am trying to get this to work (also have gameserver hosting) and I am having no luck getting the webtool to work. I will try using the 9001-9050 ports. *Edit* I used a port within that range and it worked! WooHoo! Thank You!
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