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About ES-Phoenix

  • Birthday 02/15/1969

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  • Location
    Bridlington East Yorkshire

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    Elite Shooters UK
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  • Game Server IP Address and Port
  • Game Played
    Call of Duty 4
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  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. Gonna have to say Overgrown, great map the the option to use any weapon :0)
  2. I know that nobody supports RvS anymore but I also have a server running 24/7 and fill it most nights. Is there ANYTHING I can do regarding checks, I ran my old server files that had PB, PB Bans, Feed Pirahna ETC and the server crashed within minutes saying Punkbuster was in distress .. PMSL My question is do I just run the server bare or are there any config files I can use to assist a semi clean server. Much Thanks In Advance .. ;0)
  3. Thanks guys, COD4 server running and streaming .. Last ban 2008 LOL - Has it really been that long .. ;0)
  4. Its not like it was a few years ago where having the likes of a sound card from creative gave you the edge over your opponents, the majority of onboard sound cards are 7.1 and are of very high quality.
  5. Hi All Been a while since I have been here, got some of the old clan back together and have some servers up and running. Awaiting for my account to be re-activated so I thought I would just drop by and say hello. PS - Nice to see PB Bans still up and running, well done to all involved ;0)
  6. Hi HSMagnet LOL - I know this is PBBans mate but the Multiplay control panel lists PunkBuster, PBBans, SAC and Sentinel as available AC addons to your server. I have been out of the community for a while mate but have an RvS server running with Multiplay. I use to stream here with all my RvS servers a while back. I am just getting back into the swing of things, I did not even know that RvS had been dropped so much from the AC community, it used to be massive. I`m assuming that I will not be able to set my server up to stream to you guys then like I use to, i`m curious as to why Multiplay have PBBans listed as an AC addon, will this run the latest checks you guys released ??
  7. I`m assuming that the replys I am getting means that PBBans does not work on this game anymore either, if this is the case why do Multiplay still have the mod available through their control panel and allows server admins to activate this mod ??
  8. Hi Fozzer I know mate and also PsB are no longer streaming RvS either. But would their be any advantage with enabling the PBBans addon for this game on a server I have with Multiplay, would the addon do any checks etc ??
  9. Hi Guys Been a long time since I have been here but a few of my old clan are knocking around with RvS, I know it`s old but still fun for us oldies. I have the server running with Multiplay and my question is, is it worth activating PBBans on this server ?? Without being rude to you all ;0) Regards |ES|Phoenix www.rvsuk.es-uk.co.uk
  10. Oh and to top it all off I am restricted to what forums I read as a NON STREAMING MEMBER !!! :angry:
  11. I did not think I would have a problem. Been streming here for about 12 months without an issue, relocated the server to my business and streamed there without a problem. The problem is I let my son take his PC to the shop and hook into the net to play COD4 / COD5 now he is on the MPI with my gameserver IP .. :( I`m still not 100% sure why this is an issue but you guys obviously have your reasons, my concern is that I now have a gameserver running 24/7 without the streaming protection I have come to rely on ... :( The server was relocated to recruit to bring my numbers up, renting one is not an option right now .. :unsure:
  12. If thats the case then its a real shame ... :angry:
  13. Any way I can keep this streaming guys ?? :huh:
  14. Fozzer i`m 40 years old mate, Mini-P is my 14yr old son, he must have took his PC to the shop during xmas holls. If you search that GUID you will see it is mainly linked with the IP from this post which is my home IP. Again I ask there must be a way round this, my server IP is a static and a search should show that my alias/GUID has NEVER been used there. Please let me know what can be done, it is a dedicated server running on a static IP ???? :unsure:
  15. Its being hosted in a shop not in my house ?? The game itself is not being played on the same machine nor on any other machine at my shop. The server is running as a dedicated server surely it does not matter where?? Surely there has to be a way round this, I have been streaming here for a while now and also to Punksbusted. I really want to keep my servers as clean as possible so I put this in your hands and hope that there is a way round this. This is the first lull my clan has had and have put the server at my shop to save money while we re-recruit, please don`t leave my server unprotected ... :(
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