I think in general all gamers are good but going into servers and getting hacked and then the hackers putting up adds for them to buy the hack pushes them over! I really don't want them gone forever I want them too stop and I think if Punkbuster does a flat out banning of 24,48,72 on up people will stop! You cant go into any Punkbuster server for those times. Will it work I don't know but what will it hurt if we give it a try? If you look at the small amount of streaming server in COD4 theres maybe 5,000 servers that stream from some one and 20,000 servers out there! I'd like to see a Icon for streaming servers in the lobby maybe bring that up to EA and IW I try to play in streaming servers only and yes I've played in Area51 none punkbuster servers a couple times and its pretty bad.