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Everything posted by 1shot

  1. OOO----OOOO It's a thumper dumper BAN!!!!!!!
  2. Not quite sure if I did it correct in server management for the port I put my admin event port? so it says its inactive.
  3. Call of LAG!!! lmao NOPE WONT BUY IT.
  4. Tank you! :D :D
  5. Ware to I find my GUID for world at war COD? :blink:
  6. :rolleyes: Dont know what to think of this player so I'll just post it! Look like no recoil? sorry too big of a file :(
  7. :D I think it would be nice to see if a server is streaming in the server info!!! a little "S" for streaming next to the server.
  8. I think in general all gamers are good but going into servers and getting hacked and then the hackers putting up adds for them to buy the hack pushes them over! I really don't want them gone forever I want them too stop and I think if Punkbuster does a flat out banning of 24,48,72 on up people will stop! You cant go into any Punkbuster server for those times. Will it work I don't know but what will it hurt if we give it a try? If you look at the small amount of streaming server in COD4 theres maybe 5,000 servers that stream from some one and 20,000 servers out there! I'd like to see a Icon for streaming servers in the lobby maybe bring that up to EA and IW I try to play in streaming servers only and yes I've played in Area51 none punkbuster servers a couple times and its pretty bad.
  9. :rolleyes: I'm not saying Punkbuster is not doing its job finding hackers! "BUT" How they handle hacker I HAVE A BIG PROBLEM WITH!!!!! 2min bans for a aim-bot,wall hack exsetra....... Is just stupid! Time to put the hammer down! give them a day on up 1st 24 hours 2nd 48 and so on but the 2min bans then 4 then 8 I mean really what kind of deterrent is that! People will stop buying these hacks if they cant play the game using them. And to leave the job to PBBANS,AON exstra.... to police the servers seams to me there doing 1/2 the job. Maybe I'm just pist but it makes me wonder these DICKS and netcornholers oppsss coders did 1 big ban how many people did they ban 1 at a time in the past year or more. Well theres 1 thing for sure PBBANS does a grate job and should never stop what they do no matter what these people at netcornholers through at you!!!!!!! And no I'm not blaming Punkbuster for console out growing PC thats a money factor to buy a good pc you'll spend $1000 or more ware a console will set you back 200 to 500$ and little boby will get it for x-mas from mom and dad then he can buy the x-box live card with his allowence every month!
  10. :) I think it can be done by some one. But I went to that net site and they mentioned PBBANS by name its this site that's got the Grundy's in a bunch so you must be doing something write!
  11. :angry: Now I just wanna say Punkbuster has done a fair job in the past only a fair job! And now when PC gaming is put on the back self because we just don't have the selling power over console "2007 sales for console games 8.6 billion PC games 900 million" Its time for a Chang! I cant believe theres no one out there willing to bid against Punkbuster for a anti cheat service for EA or IW??????? And if there isn't I think that PBBANS should step up too the plate once again and think about putting in a bid for the next set of games! I don't know if this is possible or if any one has given any thought to this but maybe you should! All I know its time for a chang "AND I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT OBAMA"! lol :D
  12. :D Well There is not a gaming site that I belong too ware I do not promote STREAMING!!!! Of course I'm by-est and put PBBANS over the others that only because of the time and help I've gotten here over PBS and AON. The best advertisement in the gaming world is GAMERS! We belong to most of the sites like CODHQ or Total battlefield and there we can post and get people to stream there servers.
  13. 1shot

    Google Maps

    :) This is so cool! Man theres alot of red flags.
  14. It realy does blow!!! BUT! it is also well known in public hack places too and they exploit this. If there not doing "GOD" like things say 800 kills 2 deaths we lets them stay and inform them of the problem.
  15. :blink: Is the any way too save those 10 sec clips of when you Die from your server???
  16. :D Well I've never Streamed a server before! Ware do I start and what do I do? My Clan and I just rely on punk buster and screen shots witch take allot of my time. I was looking at Punks busted which I've Ben a member for 2years but they went down and just got back up. The hacks in COD4 have gotten out of control and it seams that the hackers getting busted in streaming server look for none streaming servers to go in"LIKE ARES"! Well we want to stop it and here seams to be the place too go. Thank You John
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