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Everything posted by Reegz

  1. I do indeed, nothing much has changed about this pc. and it worked for like 6 months SOLID no problems... its a recent issue and is definatly PB related...
  2. just un installed ET and deleted its root folder, worked for 30 mins, then started again...
  3. Game InformationGame:et Game Mod:JaymodGame Version:Jaymod 2.0.1Computer InformationCPU Type:IntelCPU Speed:3.06GhzRAM Memory:1024 MBOperating System:Windows XP HomeVideo Card Type:Nvidia GeForce 7600 GTVideo Card Driver Version:6.14.0011.6921 (English)Network InformationNetwork Speed:Faster than DSL/Cable 1MbpsRouter:Netgear DG834GTIssue: Whenever I attemp to join my clans server ( I get kicked after 10 Seconds. X-Fire will pop up about an exeption which reads: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <ExceptionReport Version="4"> <Application Build="29183" Command=""c:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\ET.exe" +connect"/> <OperatingSystem Type="2"><Version Major="5" Minor="1" Build="2600"/></OperatingSystem> <Exception Code="C0000005" Address="02CF6015"><Module Section="0001" Offset="00065015" FileName="c:\progra~1\wolfen~1\pb\pbcl.dll"/></Exception> <Registers EAX="00000000" EBX="0189D0F4" ECX="000003FD" EDX="00000000" ESI="02CF5FD0" EDI="02CD7168" CS="001B" EIP="02CF6015" SS="0023" ESP="01FDFCD4" EBP="01FDFD30" DS="0023" ES="0023" FS="003B" GS="0000" Flags="00010202"/> <BackTrace> <Frame ProgramCounter="02CF6015" StackAddress="01FDFCD4" FrameAddress="01FDFD30"> <Module Section="0001" Offset="00065015" FileName="c:\progra~1\wolfen~1\pb\pbcl.dll"/> </Frame> <Frame ProgramCounter="02CC4BA6" StackAddress="01FDFCD4" FrameAddress="01FDFFC0"> <Module Section="0001" Offset="00033BA6" FileName="c:\progra~1\wolfen~1\pb\pbcl.dll"/> </Frame> </BackTrace> </ExceptionReport> and the server will claim im ignoring MD5TOOL requests. i have allowed all punkbuster services on my firewall and tried updating manually... Please help, I'm pulling my hair out. Thank you
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