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Everything posted by Loaded

  1. sorry i posted before i read other comments. but now that i have read them i believe the problem is with ur admin rights. if ur com profile does not have administor rights u cannot enable them for punkbuster therefore resulting in losing key packets. If nothing else works go into the administors account and grant admin access to your account ( i cnt remember how to do it so cnt hlp u there) otherwise play 2142 on the admins account
  2. i got a suggestion. if ur losing key packets that means ur firewalls blocking it, now u will have pnkbstrA and B permission to have internet access i presume, so go into c:windows/system32/ and then search anything under the name of PnkBstr, there should b 2 other PnkBstrA nd B files and these are Adobe files however they are unreadable so dnt even try it, just allow those 2 files and PnkBstrK internet access(im tlkn about access in the windows firewall btw). otherwise to find out where the problem is turn ur windows firewall off, if it still doesnt work problems with ur independant security server, just to b safe do the opposite and turn ur normal firewall off and leave windows firewall on and try playin. this is a long shot though as there can b different firewall reasons 4 losing key packets.
  3. well iv fixd something now at least, i have traded 1 problem 4 another now i get PB IMPORTANT RESTRICTION: Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrB Handshaking failed or somthin like that I fiddled around with my firewalls n granted punkbusterB all access but as i tried to grant access i got a message in a different window under Program Permissions saying A rule for this program exists. please update the existing rule.
  4. i have pretty much the same problem, i join a game and bout 5 seconds in: PB IMPORTANT RESTRICTION: Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrA.exe and i get kicked with a blank punkbuster message. i have done everything nearly, i have reinstalled the game and downloaded the patches again, i have enabled all access punkbuster a and b to the internet on both my windows firewall and my independent security service, i have fixed the cdkey and added x9392 into the most left side of the code, i have also downloaded and installed pbsetup and have updated 2142 and still 2142 will not work when i join a game, i fear my punkbuster a file has been damaged somehow, if so can i download the same file from ea or evenbalance?is there another way to fix this problem? cheers
  5. im sure obsidian wud hav been gettin the same msg as me as i have an identical situation. iv done everythng i hav been told, i put x9392 or wateva number it was nd i still get that same msg PB IMPORTANT RESTRICTION: Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrA.exe ne other ideas that mite work?
  6. well since where on the topic does ne1 know how to fix 2142 pbA i keep gettin this msg everytime i join a game PB IMPORTANT RESTRICTION: Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrA.exe i do have both files pnkbstrA and B but i fear pnkBstrA was damaged somehow as i have no other conclusions as i have alrdy downloaded pbsetup and updated it, i have also allowed both in my firewalls(windows and my independant provider). now im not a very smart person so if u knw can u write it simply.
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