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Everything posted by bpatton

  1. Hello all- I just uploaded the pbcfg files restarted the server and added it here on my server list. The server now shows as streaming but now when anyone tries to connect they get "Connection to the game server has been lost. Please check your network connection and try again". This did not occur untilm the cfg files were added and the server set to stream. Our other server which has not yet been set to stream works fine. Any idea why this is happening?
  2. Once again, my idiocy strikes! (note to self..NEVER mess with the server before my first cup of coffee) Thanks for the help!!! Kinsman- the restart command doesn't work, I just did a game server restart to effectively do the same.. Not sure if MyIS has the latest server files applied or not to be honest..
  3. Well, the only available Rcon for FFOW hasn't enabled the PB commands, however, something seems to be working even though the server manager here says it isn't streaming.. Prior to attempting to get it to stream our clan had our tags as {
  4. Thanks in advance for any insight!
  5. Hi all- Trying to get our FFOW server streaming and due to the lack of server returns to PB commands I'm not sure what I may have done wrong. I uploaded the files to binaries/pb folder and did a game server restart (I host through MyIS) as again, the PB restart command isn't working through Rcon... The server shows as not streaming through the server manager here so not real sure what to try to get it going... If anyone could offer some FFOW advice I'd be grateful!
  6. Well, so it is... Weird, but hey, I'm just glad to see it running again! Thanks for the quick reply nonetheless!
  7. Hi all- Prior to the server move streaming was working correctly. Once the new IP's and instructions were released I changed the settings to reflect them. I now get Server Status Server is not streaming via Hub on the MSI for my server (ip Thinking that perhaps I made an error when I edited the files to the new IP I reuploaded the pbucon.use and pbsv.cfg files and restarted PB. Still no joy... What am I missing? When I run pb_sv_uconlist I get the following: ^5PunkBuster Server: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name] ^5PunkBuster Server: 1 1 pbbanshub ^5PunkBuster Server: End of PB UCON Profile List (1 Entry) Which I think is correct, yet MSI shows me not streaming... I also applied the not streaming fix...Any ideas of where I'm going wrong?
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