Hi to all at PBBans. I used to be a streaming game admin here when I had Enemy Territory servers etc.... When Evenbalance / PunkBuster gave up on Enemy Territry after a long stint or protecting the gaming community we have, like others with ET server, been struggling with hackers or cheaters on our servers...
I have been looking into LUA scripting and the possiblity to make some kind of script that can detect basic cvar violations that were in the old PB logs from a server?? This would help us out a lot these days. We love this game and will probably never give up on it until the server providers stop providing them to the public so anything would be helpful.
Our current servers use 4 LUA scripts mainly for guid checks, fake players, userinfo check and the wsfix at the moment.... I'm hoping that this would be possible??
Any help would be muchly appreciated,