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Everything posted by ReasonableDoubt

  1. So you can still use PBBans but it's not streaming to Evenbalance or PunkBuster? One of our servers run's on the old 2.55 version of Enemy Territory only because we get a lot more traffic from new isers still. Can we use 2.55 and PBBans or does the server have to be updated to 2.60 or 2.60b? We tried a server in 2.60b and we had little to no traffic at all. Our clan and servers are based in Australia but we get traffic from around the world etc.... So we would love to keep our servers running on 2.55 if this is possible? We have the et2.55+ patch so players can connect 2ith all versions of et to our servers and it works really well. So yeah if PBBans still supports this old game that so many people still love then I'm all for it and our servers will be streaming right away!! Cheers, R+D.
  2. Hi to all at PBBans. I used to be a streaming game admin here when I had Enemy Territory servers etc.... When Evenbalance / PunkBuster gave up on Enemy Territry after a long stint or protecting the gaming community we have, like others with ET server, been struggling with hackers or cheaters on our servers... I have been looking into LUA scripting and the possiblity to make some kind of script that can detect basic cvar violations that were in the old PB logs from a server?? This would help us out a lot these days. We love this game and will probably never give up on it until the server providers stop providing them to the public so anything would be helpful. Our current servers use 4 LUA scripts mainly for guid checks, fake players, userinfo check and the wsfix at the moment.... I'm hoping that this would be possible?? Any help would be muchly appreciated, R+D.
  3. lol may have to change that....

  4. Thanks Fozzer for the information. Great work! Uploaded the caught cheaters. HeadShotRD.
  5. Hi to all at PBBans.... I noticed in my sv_cheat.log a player that was caught with a wallhack.... [05.14.2010 21:39:48] VIOLATION (WALLHACK) #60175: leopardhead (slot #1) Violation (WALLHACK) #60175 [1f2882d07c3530534591b14a8581a228(?)] This ban has not been added to my account? The question that I'm asking is can this player come back to my server or is he banned from the server? Just curious because the ban wasn't added to my account? When I checked the players GUID this came up... Violation (WALLHACK) #60175 leopardhead ( |H*S| ( So as you can see he is banned on our server but has not been in my account? Is this right? HeadShotRD.
  6. Ok. Posting this is the SGA section..... I will also post a link to the configs because there are to many of them..... HeadShotRD. ** P.S. Please close or delete this post. Thanks **
  7. Hi to all at PBBans. I was wondering if anyone that knows configs, for personal use .cfg, in Enemy Territory?? We Banned a player on our servers for disrespect but he thinks we banned him for an aimbot / wallhack. He came to our forums and gave us a link to what the player uses in is personal.cfg thinking he was banned for this reason. I was looking through the .cfg's in the link he gave me and there are some suspect cvar's in it. All that I want to know is that if someone else can look through these cvar's and other things to see if I have missed something or if they are clean?? I personaly have found some suspect ones..... We want to get to the bottom of this for our sake but on the other hand we do think he is using something for aiming for the players accuracy at the end of every map is around 60% and upwards!! We have done some Forcecvar settings in our server.cfg to help us see if the player is using a cvar changer or something like that? I don't want to post the configs here but if someone can message me that they are interested in helping me out please do. Thank you for your time, HeadShotRD.
  8. Jul 27, 2008 Viol #130035 Violation (PB HACK) #130035 lll11l1mnnrnmm0O0l ( *|EIW|* ( Now I already made a post back around the 7th of this month about this is was locked and the same will probably happen to this one?? This is the second PP HACK'er that we have caught..... We still have a lot of problems with our server. Infact the server was down for around 6 days with our server provider saying it was a power source??? A power source, I don't think, takes very long to fix... But anyway two caught in the space of 20 days what is going on?? Uni. p.s. This is the msg that I recieved from EvenBalance last time and will more than likely get this again??? Quote: I'm sorry, but we don't comment on what triggers a particular violation. By this player triggering this violation, he's already been caught.
  9. Jul 07, 2008 Viol #130035 Violation (PB HACK) #130035 neuroTonxic ( *|EIW|* ( PBBans caught him on our server just wondering what he/she was trying to do?? We have had some strange things going on lately with PB maybe this guy was doing it??? Thanks, Uni.
  10. Now that was quick!!! :o Thankyou BlackWolf!! Uni.
  11. Hi, I used to have server's that used the streaming hub.... I now have a new server. It is streaming but my rights as a streaming game admin have not been activated. I don't know if I have done something wrong??? Please help... Uni.
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