I believe you know Haggis? He was on our server last night and spotted a hacker called Dingalong (Or similar). Anyways we got chatting and he said to say hello to Fozzer, so hi mate.
He said to get your downloads to help catch cheaters as he realised we hate the buggers and want a clean server, but I'm lost already :(
We rent a server thro Game-serve (Not Dedi) and we use their Contol-4U panel or try to. Because we're newish to running a server we only use this panel when we have to cause we are real dumn. I downloaded rconmax which is brilliant and easy to use, and does all the comands we need right now.
Ok so question:
We want to do the streaming but I'm lost with all the downloads that may be needed. Can you tell me from what I've put here which downloads we actualy need? And will this effect anything when we join say Enemy Down League matches. :blink:
COD4 32 server
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