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  1. There are several websites out there that enforce a "must pay before you can use" service - some i've seen can't even be downloaded illegally since the developers put in a CD key type system into the cheats. This in turn creates a very closed community of cheaters and the inability of Evenbalance/Anyone else to check and add prevention. I suppose I was just curious if any of you guys had personally run into aimbotters (or any other form of cheat) who weren't getting caught and you had to ban them manually. :)
  2. Found the cheat personally? No. I really don't know what works and what doesn't or what/how stuff gets by PB. The only one I would think would be working is a program that you have to pay for, or get illegally via torrents. I could tell you the name so you can investigate it, as it does look more professional than the rest.
  3. Just a quick writeup.. Played on several streamed servers now, and there have been a few players with aimbots on them. It was pretty blatant, the thing basically aimed and shot for him, no matter where the player was. If the player was visible, the bot would lock on to their head, sometimes at multiple 180 turns. It got past PB though, and the streaming service. He said it was something about how it 'hooked' PB and would never get detected. Are cheats like wallhack able to hook PB in this fashion to avoid detection? Makes it a bit annoying in this day and age to be playing with cheats who just get called 'good' - since wallhack isn't as easily noticeable as aimbot sometimes. Oh and finally, does anyone know Evenbalance's plans to counteract cheats that can bypass PB like this? The guy who was cheating on one server said he never had his CoD2 hacks detected.
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