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Everything posted by AzzKicKeR

  1. I need some help. I need to add to my server list and remove I've tried doing it but it wouldn't work. It tells me that is already streaming but its not on my list.
  2. I found the solution to the problem in what should've been the first place I looked. I added /pb_sv_PowerGuid {guid#} 100 to the pbsv.cfg file, uploaded it and restarted the server. Worked like a charm. This thing is a non-stop learning experience. ;)
  3. I've read through all that and tried all the PB commands that pertain to the adding of power points but the attached picture is all I get out of it. This is the only response I've gotten from EvenBalance. That being said, I manually updated my PB client and still got the same as the below screenshot.
  4. I got a CoD server a while back. I finally got the mods and maps set up the way I wanted but now I need to get the powerpoints set up for me and a friend of mine. A ticket was put in to EvenBalance but they only check their messages once every 2 weeks or so. What do I need to do so that when I put in "pb_power" it will show him and I will 100 points?
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