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  1. yes, our servers are streaming without a prob And thanks for activate ;)
  2. +1 De key is uitgelekt, vraag me niet hoe. ( keygen of door wat anders ) De enige mogelijkheid is inderdaad een nieuwe game kopen, hoe vervelend het ook is.
  3. Other player walking before you. No hack / 3rd person
  4. if your cd-key is leaked, then the best way is to buy a new game.
  5. Nothing we can do. Server needs to be streamed, and only pb screenshots or ingame demo's are allowed.
  6. +1 for the Admin, xfire records are not legit if it's your server it's not streamed here..? it's not hacking, but the map is loaded in devmap, these guys using noclip. Not bannable
  7. +1 punkbuster is disabled if you can eddit your startupline, find +set sv_punkbuster 0 or 1 If it's 0 eddit it to 1, like this... .... +exec dedicated.cfg +set net_port 28960 +set dedicated 2 +set sv_punkbuster 1 +map_rotate
  8. check if the pbucon is in your pbfolder?
  9. http://manuadminmod.de/en/index.php/Main_Page
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