It is a hot debatable is a key is what I posted over at PsB
While I detest cheaters, a bind IHMHO is not a cheat and should not be treated as such. It should be server side only. However if you don't want it in your server admins should at least warn people, otherwise it is does not promote the fair play concept.
There are programs that accelerate the functions of the mouse. Do we ban those that have them? Then the predominate OS users would be banned. Do we 'snoop' into each and every folder a player has to make sure they do not have Program A? Then the gaming community falls.
If the community as a whole declares that a player must have a specific vid card, mouse, etc. There are a lot of gamers out there that we are going to loose and future gamers that won't become interested. Lets face it not everyone can go out and buy the hottest and latest. Not all of us have cash to throw around, some parents don't either. Finally, there are people with limited abilities/disabilities that require certain functions within their game to play and enjoy the game as those that don't. (If you doubt this wait till you get older and your eyesight ain't quite up to what it was 15 years ago).
Just my thoughts.