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Everything posted by Igloo

  1. Hi, I'm Matt from Multiplay UK's Support team (I Head up the team). First things first, We do not run cronjobs on our machines. So that completely nullifies Fozzers idea. Secondly, If you tell the pb server to write it's config file to disk, It will do this with the name pbsv.cfg. Now what we do to prevent issues is to stop people using the pbsv.cfg and having their settings overwritten by the pb server. What you need to do is to merge the pbsv.cfg and the pbsvuser.cfg together. This will mean that the write cfg command will write to the pbsv.cfg and leave your pbsvuser.cfg intact. There is absolutely no need to use the live control feature to setup streaming.
  2. Hi, I'm from Multiplay, I'm the head of the support team there. I'd just like to say that this is complete bollocks :lol: The best way to do this, Is to create yourself a pbsvuser.cfg and upload that to your profile. In clanforge if you go to Profiles -> Edit -> Config -> Upload. Then restart your server. For most, if not all games we have PBBans addons already setup to go, So just add these to your profile, Save and restart and your server will be streaming. There is absolutely no need to go through and do this using live control every single time.
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