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    unreal Xtreme chaos
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  • Game Played
    Battlefield Bad Company 2
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  1. I thank you as well for pointing me in the right direction!
  2. Just wanted to give a big thanks to surfss and big guy for all the help today in irc! Thanks You!
  3. Also my account manage show my name in red and GUI does not show. Little confused here? Sorry but I'm having real issues with the site.
  4. OK I only created a new account because I'm have major issues posting here or creating threads under snilloconator. But the same thing occured with SnilloC account as well. I have since changed the IP and Port so I'm hoping it starts streaming.
  5. my xfire snilloconator if anyone could help!
  6. I'm sorry to hi-jack this thread but I can not create my own threads. I added the server w/ the proper port but it says never. Also my user seems to be messed up? I have never had this problem....
  7. BC2 Server...
  8. Sorry to rob you of your topic but I can not create a new post at all.... Keep getting error. Looked to contact admin but the layout is not to friendly here. Any help would be great. I to am trying to get my server streaming BC2
  9. Come join us... Shotguns & Pistols Only! www.uxcclan.com :blink:
  10. Sorry if this sounds dumb... But I'm really new to setting up COD4 servers. I currently have one running but I would like another instance running for our clan. I have read this thread but I'm stuck and not sure if I need to copy the COD4 completely for each instance. Also not sure what vfor1 or vfor2 means in the directories above. Any assistance would be great. Once again I apologize for my newbness.
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