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Everything posted by jaymack

  1. jaymack


    u may find that players log in and get pb init fail. we solved this by allowing them to turn pb_security to off in there txt bar, it still allows your admins to use webtool but stops players getting kicked for outdated pb files. they still need pb.a/b active on there system though
  2. jaymack


    lol. i was hoping there was a config to list 38 onwards not just the single entry.. cheers anyways
  3. jaymack


    hi. im using webtool to mod a fear server, over the last few months i have banned 50+ players. now my problem is this, when i type pb_sv_banlist it only displays the first 37 bans, 1-37 my question is: how can i display entrys 37-50+ or increase the amount of entrys that can be displayed at once. i know i can display players names but i dont know all the banned players names due to a rough admin banning players (we banned him lol), but i would like to remove all the players he banned, while he had accsess to the webtool, this is why i need to view the whole list.
  4. download pbsetup.exe from evenbalance.save to a seperate folder on your destop. run it in that folder. select update when its finished running. manualy copy the htm files into the pb htm folder in your cod.4 folder. failing that try this link http://files.filefront.com/pbsvcexe/;8525846;/fileinfo.html it will reinstall pb services and test them to make sure they work properly.
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