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  1. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=94033 Identical problem after Vista update
  2. Great prog! Has loads of options with simple interface. Just started using it, have used most of the functions without any issues.
  3. Thanks fozzer, Server is always on and in use every day, I believe it may be the mods we run ie freezetag? Going to add that command line today hopefully stops this happening. Thanks again guys
  4. Still not showing on server list :(
  5. Cheers mate
  6. Thanks SuperTaz, how did the server stop streaming and dissapear? I would prefer to prevent this happening again. Thanks again Re added server :)
  7. Hey guys, not sure if this is the same problem with our server. The server does not appear when in server management, I am wondering if this has happened from our side or PB B's. Do we need to add server again? I would like to know how this happened if possible so we can make sure it does not happen again Regular Armed Forces We sometimes run a nade mod which turns cheats on to run, could this be the problem? If so why does the server not start streaming again when promod or pam4 are running? CHEERS
  8. Thank you Ice Man, wasn't aware, we have been trying out freezetag mod and may have screwed things up will go and check.
  9. Hello I was just wondering why I only have access to "Public" view of MPL? I used to have full access. CHEERS
  10. Amazing how this situation has been with us since the release of the game and as the next instalment is with us and the problem is still here... it aint getting fixed.
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