yeah 3x frags, last stand, jug, tubes all that stuff lol, often times I'll check the hub live for binds and compare that to the server tools and half these guys are registered and active in cal and twl and by looking at there match history it's obvious they can't play when they can't use there glitches or limited perks so broadcast who's scrolling and what theam they play for including match history and say something like I bet you wish you could use 3x frags and last stand in cal and usually the stuff they use in pub servers reflects how well they do in matches and from what I see with most of them it's not very good lol I just wish there was a easier option then having to troll through logs or getting a low end computer to leave on 24/7, I have a 1000 watt psu so that's like having the toaster on 24/7 lol a nice increase in the $$$ for the electic bill