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About Bombcat

  • Birthday 05/15/1978

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    Call of Duty 2
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  1. Benway.... wenn selbst Evenbalance sagt das es eigentlich garnicht stimmt mit dem hier gepredigten Fehler Ignoring MD5Tool Queries warum besteht ihr dann unbeirrt darauf das es so ist?? MD5ToolFreq 10 verursacht weder Laggs noch Fehlkicks da MD5 Clientseitig l
  2. please enfore GV Bans! You enforced GV Bans over GGC so you can enforced GV directly. GGC Bans included GV Bans ,thats fact. And no , GV is not a fakebancreator. Fruity have not making fakelogs , thats not posible -->PB Stream logs on the fly. The only Problem here is that Fruity is a Woman and a lot of Men´s feel be pissed on her ego. Stop this War against GV , working Hand in Hand and Stop Hackers with all awailaible Banlists.
  3. Idear 1:Can PBBans making a Streamingdeal for Clans with denied Account aplication (Clanmate on MBI etc). The Idear: Giving Streamacount,bud no Acces to MCI our Hub Live.Only Stream,not more and no Acces to the SGA Forum.This can help to closing more Servers for Cheaters and anyone can Living with this. idear 2: To reduce to coast
  4. Das mal durchlesen: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html
  5. Dein Kollege ist bei AON gebannt und wurde von betreffendem Server durch das einspielen der externen Banlisten,kurz EBL gebannt.
  6. Idea 1: How would it be enforced if the option is changed as follows Ban instead of the one entry in the all bans for cheaters say 1 days ~ 1440 minutes will be banned, then a manipulation of PBBans.dat more difficult and there is a clear bans which one only writes his own Bans Ban enforced because only Tempbans it. Furthermore, many servers do not use the
  7. Hi,my Clan has making a Fusion with WMC-cod.com WMC Account:7586 Please move my Servers to this Account,my Account ID is 2345 THX
  8. PBBans searching only for Win MD5 bud many Players using not only Win.I Think,a dark number of Cheaters using Privatehacks for Mac??
  9. Hi,in a lot of countrys have de governemont hard rules for protection of privacy. To Publish the IP
  10. Hey Guis,using a mix of PBB/GGC and you have all time a backup@downtime
  11. ; ------------------------------ ; Web Tool Settings ; ------------------------------ pb_sv_HttpPort 0 //[Port #] pb_sv_HttpAddr "" //[External IP Address] pb_sv_HttpKey "" //[Password] hier noch ausf
  12. Auf deinen Bann gehen und Apeal machen.Aber achte darauf das du genau erkl
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