lol.. lots of people were using that line in their sof2mp.cfg file to get lesser recoil. At that time everyone thought it was just the same as binding a leancrouch movement or a diff crosshair when scrolling.. Suddenly PB got updated and kicked u for that edited line in ur cfg. This was ages ago so don't judge him for that. I got kicked for it too at that time and after that I thought of it as a cheat as well, when it got implanted in bots and stuff like that...
I also know for a fact that Eminem (som1 who was in a clan we used to have) got angry when we busted him for cheating and kicked him out of the clan. He then tried to hack Badboy and me to get our cdkeys.. But he only managed to get Badboy's...
I dunno about the 15 guids, but i do know that lots of people were fakenicking him at that time and lots of peopz were freelancing for otherclans.