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Everything posted by HellCaster

  1. Checked the Client logs and the IP was slightly different.Instead of it shows,but depending on when I logged in I have 3 different ports,19567,1294 and 4227. So which IP and port do I need to use to get streaming ? We Streamed a few days ago then stopped for a day and a half.Then Started streaming again until EA went down,again yesterday. Now we are not streaming. are we going to lose streaming every time our IP is redirected or the port changes?I just changed the IP settings in the AccCP to what I found in the client logs to see if that works.With Punkbuster down I want Something to keep the cheats and hackers out. ,
  2. Our team ,Soldiers of Honor ^SOH^, have a bc2 server running since Tuesday.I used the auto Hub and had it streaming just fine.About 17 hours ago it quit and I've tried all the suggestions to get it streaming again, but no luck Our GSP gave us access to 3 of the files for PB,and all the settings are correct per the instructions given.I've tried the Auto Hub,and Guardian programs to try and work it out but still we are not streaming. our info Clan ID 2380 Team name Soldiers of Honor Team Tag ^SOH^ Server IP GSP MyInternetServices. NO it wasnt my choice,but at least they did give some access to the pb folders. Thanks HellCaster
  3. Thanks for the help.Deleted server and added back with correct port.
  4. I've been trying since Tues night to get our server streaming and still nothing .I used the webtool to set it up, and everything ran smoothly but still not streaming. Any help would be appreciated.Account status is Active,Clan name Soldiers of Honor.Thanks
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