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Everything posted by CMSTEEL

  1. Thank you very much. I am confident we meet the req's. We absolutely despise cheaters/hackers. It's somewhat of an obsession to have a server up that will actually catch and boot them. It's like fishing in a sense. So thank you for clearing me and I'll fill out the application ASAP.
  2. I have filled out the application before, when I try to fill out another one it says I can't because my previous application was denied. Is there anyway to reset that? If not do I have to create another PBBans account? Thanks for the reply.
  3. I had my previous application denied due to (what I think) might have been that our clan dind't an official website and we were running the game at the time "CoD4" from a home server. We've since upgraded. We have more than 12 members, we've bought/rented a server at gameservers.com (Seattle location), and have an official website with forums at www.teambeerme.org We're a simple group of players that enjoy fine microbrew beers and a game or two a night. We have clan match ups once a month and since we're not streaming and can't catch many cheaters on the server. So please inform me of how I can get this new 24/7 server going. I have in my profile added all the information needed. Thank you
  4. needs server approval

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