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About Kanonenfutter

  • Birthday 03/20/1981

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  1. :( I play ET since nearly 2 years only yet :unsure:
  2. hi fozzer, chris64, thanks for your comments. as I said: at least i wanted to try to delete the warnings. but i really never cared much about which guid is save or not, cause i never cheated or something. i will ignore the warning now. ;) The good thing on this topic is, that i understand the (anti-cheat-)organisations a little bit better now and the different guids. ^_^ I always thought there is one place (in my view PBBans or punkbuster-guys/ even-balance?!, which I always thought is the same) where all ways of anti-cheating route to. Anyways, keep up the good work, good that someone tries to keep the cheater off the game. :) cu, kano
  3. hi foxdie, the thing is: i wrote first to the yawn guys. They told me to contact PBBANS, evenbalance or punkbusted.com. They told me they will not remove the entry manually as long as my guid is on the masterbanlist/ -index. So I contacted you here at PBBANS, you told me that you only take cover the PB-Guids (I understand that). I will try to contact punksbusted.com (but site is down atm). So, the result is I am "pushed around" a bit by all sides, cause nobody wants to take the resonsibility in my case. Don't get me wrong, I am absolutly no expert in this anti-cheat thing - I just like to play the game WOLF: ET, I did it always clean and fair, have & had always good contacts to other players/ community, I recorded cheaters in the past and gave demos to the server-admins, I had been part of PB-streaming group "[DWX]" (but not as headadmin ;) ). So I just tried out if I could get this warning away, cause there will be always some guys out there who will suspect me cause of entry in my yawn now/ or (if I create a new guid) cause it is too new - and in my view this can not be ok to create a new guid cause some asshole "stole" my guid. My previous speaker "Helmut Honigdachs" is btw an admin on the server the cheater was active on with my guid. I think Helmut can attest me a "hax-free" activity on the HH2 server, even if some guys call me a cheater now (I think cause of this entry:( ). I mean: even if everybody knows the etpro-guid is easy fakeable there will always remain some kind of bitter taste in combination with my name now, and to avoid this taste i started this "request of deleting". I saw the entry 8/ 9 days ago and was very suprised how I could have this entry. I know that my texting won't delete the warning, but in my view I have to try it at least. greetings, Kano-whine-a-lot x)
  4. hi honigdachs :), my 3rd request in this case has been sent to evenbalance.com (support enemy territory - i am on the ticketlist right now). i will write to punksbusted.com (as 4th station of my request) as soon as their site is online again. but i have the feeling i won't loose my entry :( cheers, kanonenfutter p.s.: http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/u...sage=new_ticket p.p.s.: i post all my steps in this case to hold up the transparency as high as i can. hopefully I/ we come to a satisfiable answer for all sides. It would be sad if I am going to live with this entry/ warning/ mark without being guilty.
  5. ok. some people told me the same (like the admin of the server the cheater used my guid on). so i will trust you... but it has a bitter taste with that warning on my guid still. :( edit: anyway: thanks :dunno:
  6. hmmm, i didn't get a reply yet from the yawn-side, but in similar topics there i read the yawn-admins advice to pbbans. this means the result is that i will have to live with that warning and being innocent. :(
  7. Hi PB-team, I registered myself here because a cheater took/ spoofed my etpro guid and now I have a red yawn warning. You will see that the PB-guid and the IP does not fit to the other yawn entries with my name. The cheater used my guid on this server: I spoke with the admins there, it is all ok for me from their side (cheater spoofed my guid and named himself like an admin there). My question: is it possible to delete this warning? I didn't ever use cheats and I don't want to arouse suspicion in this way. http://www.yawn.be/findPlayer.yawn?gamecod...EABD72CF0EF6C78 Thank you in advance! Kanonenfutter P.S.: I posted nearly the same topic today in the yawn-forum. Would be great if the warning could be deleted! edit: http://soff.boozze.be/viewtopic.php?p=24167#24167
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