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Everything posted by {S8G}TheAnimal

  1. The best way to keep from getting a banned or linked Key is to buy the game and get the fresh key. I have the original game that I bought almost 2 years ago and protect it like it was GOLD. If you used any one of those keys and got your Handle associated with it, no matter what you do, Your handle will be associated. You'll have to start over with a new Handle and fresh Key to get away from it, but your IP may end up being associated... Hate to see that, but, things like this happens. I've banned 3 people for associated IP's, but made a note with the ban to contact us on our forums and we worked through it and now they play on our server religiously... Hope things go to the good for ya....
  2. My nephew got banned on one of his guid's, but because he has used my system while I was at work, his name appears on my GUID too. Now my GUID is flagged, for use of better words, and any Server that streams PBBans looks at the information and bans automatically. How do I go about getting my nephew's information off my GUID and cleaning my name? Any information will be helpful and appreciated... The*Animal
  3. Another thought Skabby, I know a server who continually bans for black screenshots. And the same server bans this one guy on a weekly basis, even though his screenshots come back clean. They say he's running some type of hack that PunkBuster doesn't catch. I used to belong to the clan that has the server and left because of the TWIT's banning wrongly all the time. I've sat next to the guy that keeps getting banned, watching his every move, and nothing out of the ordinary, he's just that good and they can't stand it. Since leaveing that clan, I've joined another clan that streams all the time, and the guy that keeps getting banned comes over to play and he's still shooting people left and right and hasn't been banned at all. Some server's can't stand to have anyone better than them show up and be better than them. Just another gotta be the best, I guess. Oh, forgot to mention, the clan that I'm talking about, they've been around since Battlefield 2 has come out, so they've been there for awhile and aren't a "Noob" clan by no means. It's a same that they have to act the way that they do, cause many of them are good in their own right. The*Animal
  4. I do know that there are people that use game hacks to better their score. Too bad they couldn't better their score on their own. I know of one person that keeps getting banned from a server, I wont mention their name, just because he's good. The server admins ban him one day, and un-ban him the next just to ban him again. This ban and un-ban has almost caused the whole clan to fall apart. They say that they've fixed their problems, but the same thing is still going on. At present, he is banned from their server because they claim that he's hacking, again. He has been playing on our server now for the past 3 months and hasn't been banned once. We stream, keep an eye on the screenshots and watch players suspected of cheating. Once in awhile, a cheater will slip through, but when he's caught, he gets banned, no questions asked. If he wants to visit our forum and plead his case, he's given that right. But to date, not one person banned for cheating has tried to plead their case. I watch the stream tell of this person being banned for AimBot and that person being banned for MultiHack. Punkbuster and the Streaming does work, but their are some new programs that slip through because they haven't been caught yet. And as soon as PunkBuster catches the new programs, they get caught. As far as Admins in our clan kicking or banning people just because they are good, that doesn't happen. I'm an admin that probly ranks in the bottom 5 and if that was the case, I'd be banning everyone.....lolol But I do know that there are clans that do ban if your good and there are some others that allow stat padding. That's a shame to allow these clans to ruin a good game. But you've got to realize that NOT all clans and servers do this. There are still some clans that have respect and honor to the people that make their server possible. These are the clans that realize that if it wasn't for the people visiting their server to play a good clean game, there wouldn't be a need for their server or services. Thanks for letting me ramble like this and I hope to see you on the field someday. Sincerely, {S8G}TheAnimal
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