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FpsGc - TacMedic7248

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Everything posted by FpsGc - TacMedic7248

  1. No screenshots, just the log... [06.08.2008 10:31:32] VIOLATION (CVAR) #9001: Ten24CutterWolf (slot #1) Cvar player_sprintTime = 5 GUID(VALID)] [06.08.2008 10:31:32] Kick Command Issued (Cvar player_sprintTime = 5) for (slot#1) GUID Ten24CutterWolf [06.08.2008 10:31:32] [From #1 c187(VALID) Ten24CutterWolf] [0 key binding matches found]
  2. I'll post that info later today, I'm at work, sorry for the delay in getting back to this post, but yes, the game is COD4.
  3. This may sound strange, but a few guys in my clan the other day were kicked from my server for a CVAR sprinting violation, said it was "=5" or something like that. Now I haven't changed any settings or done anything and it only happened once, or was reported once. The ban lasted five minutes. Any ideas?? Thanks in advance! :)
  4. I just got done setting up a Linux server, do a manual patch job to bring the server to the current client of PB. Make sure you're using the .SO file for the LINUX server. After that log into your RCon and issue /rcon pb_sv_restart that should bring you to current. Then go ahead and RCon your server to stream to PB. As far as max_packets go, I think that's something that you can have everyone change in their own console. Hope some of this helped.
  5. You know, I was reading this post to catch up and I have to say, yeah, the whole capitalizing the first letter of each word would drive a person to maming themselves at the end of the day...heh heh
  6. Just something that you guys might want to note, if you create a custom skin for SAS or OpFor, you need to DL an IWD that addresses these specific skins. Apparently in a lot of these MODs it's only Marines and however you spell the other one...lol
  7. I'll second the motion for the nude female skins...lol
  8. We're running ACE on our COD4 server with custom skins. We're a purely legit clan and the server streams here, so far no problems, and it's been like that for a month.
  9. Greetings all, I see that this thread is in need of some updating. Macky is going to be away for a bit and I will be handling all US relations. FpsGc has a US division, which is currently recruiting for COD4 and various other games. If you have any questions, definitely feel freet to post them here or PM me. Also feel free to check out our website at www.fpsgc-leagues.com Thanks all for your understanding!
  10. I run my own website hosting company and wouldn't mind making a donation to you guys to have you host your site with us, that should alleviate some costs. I could also make it a part of our web management team to helpl with programming and what not. Let us know!
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