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Everything posted by Wizard220

  1. I have tried numerous other GSP's and so far my experience with NFO is top notch. We currently have a VDS and the lite web hosting service and so far after almost 2 years I would say it was the best decision to give NFO a try. We use the VDS for game/TS servers and the lite webhosting for our game redirect. Again top notch service and no complaints to speak of. Wizz
  2. I too would like to apologize for my outspoken self. Sorry all, I should have given more time to let this work out. I have learned in this is to be patient and give things time to work out. Glad this worked out in the end and things can get back to normal. Wizz
  3. Exactly, spring huh what spring. Its a warm 27 degrees here and im like WTF.
  4. Thats because of money and it would mean less for them. No micro-transactions means no cash. And I really hope that this a wakeup call for everyone.
  5. ROFL....
  6. People can be like a kitty litter box......Full of shit

  7. Ditto, the staff here has been the best over the years. Top notch in my book.
  8. While I do applaud the aa devs for putting out this patch. What the aa devs needs to do is patch the aa3 server so that anyone can run a global internet server. Right now if you want a global internet server you have to rent it, yet they say its free and you can run a server. No you cant and after the few emails that I had with aa3 mas system ( patrick ) it is found that you have to rent a aa3 global server ( registered ). I tried to get my aa3 server registered so it will boot and be in the server list ( global/internet ). No can do according to Patrick. Wizz
  9. Robert Bowling has resigned from Activision effective today. Here is his twitter post and source Today, I resign from my position as Creative Strategist of Call of Duty, as a lead of Infinity Ward, and as an employee of Activision. https://twitter.com/#!/fourzerotwo/status/184384024368783360 Wizz
  10. ^^THIS Couldnt have said it any better. ATVI goes after this yet cheat sites with paid for hacks still goes untouched and free roam on the battle fields. Wizz
  11. Hello All Just a big thank you to Maydax and the PBBANS staff here for the most awsome work. Each one of you puts forth the tireless battle to help us server admins. Reason on why I am saying thank you is this thread in the news section. I do not play BF3 but it just shows that PBBANS were, are and is on top of the situations that arises. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/streaming-security-t155655.html/page__pid__401395?do=findComment&comment=401395 It just continues to show that PBBANS is active and pro-active in the battle to combat cheaters. Keep up the most awsome job and again thank you. Wizz
  12. Want to know the REAL REASON on why MegaUpload was taken down. How about this one and what it would have meant for the RIAA and MPAA Why was MegaUpload really shut down? In December of 2011, just weeks before the takedown, Digital Music News reported on something new that the creators of #Megaupload were about to unroll. Something that would rock the music industry to its core. (http://goo.gl/A7wUZ) I present to you... MegaBox. MegaBox was going to be an alternative music store that was entirely cloud-based and offered artists a better money-making opportunity than they would get with any record label. "UMG knows that we are going to compete with them via our own music venture called Megabox.com, a site that will soon allow artists to sell their creations directly to consumers while allowing artists to keep 90 percent of earnings," MegaUpload founder Kim 'Dotcom' Schmitz told Torrentfreak Not only did they plan on allowing artists to keep 90% of their earnings on songs that they sold, they wanted to pay them for songs they let users download for free. "We have a solution called the Megakey that will allow artists to earn income from users who download music for free," Dotcom outlined. "Yes that's right, we will pay artists even for free downloads. The Megakey business model has been tested with over a million users and it works." Source: https://plus.google.com/u/0/111314089359991626869/posts/HQJxDRiwAWq#111314089359991626869/posts/HQJxDRiwAWq So a USA based corporation felt threatned by this and ordered the US Law Enforcement to go after these people. Go against any mega US corporation and this is what will happen. Wizz
  13. No Didnt touch it at all. Its just like it was before. I will add the updated one "then" delete the old one. Thanks
  14. Hello all Ok We have converted the following server from CoD4 to CoD5. In the server management section of our account I can not change the game type to CoD5. Any assisntence is needed to get this done. Server IP Game Call of Duty 4 Change to Server IP Game Call of Duty 5 Thanks a bunch Wizard220
  15. Fix it please EB, we all here and aboard is saying fix it.
  16. I will dig around that server box and see what is going on. Thanks for the help.. I will advise when its ready. Wizz
  17. Hi all Here is the trub, this server is not being reconized by the HuB streaming here at PBBans. Here is the console msg to check the PBBans HuB setup. The msg in the account manager/server management says it is not streaming Here is the pb log showing it has added the HuB info: [07.30.2008 23:29:11] PB UCON Profile added type=1 mask="" name="pbbanshub" [07.30.2008 23:29:11] pb_sv_USessionLimit = 2 (0 to 16) [07.30.2008 23:29:11] pb_sv_UConTimeout = 300 (60 to 6000) [07.30.2008 23:29:11] PB UCON Ignore added "quit" rcon test to check out the settings: PBAdmin: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name] PBAdmin: 1 1 pbbanshub PBAdmin: End of PB UCON Profile List (1 Entry) Server IP - Port - 28960 Its just this one server, the other 5 servers I have on the account works like a charm using the same setups. Wizz
  18. Hub Game: CoD2 Clantag; [RGN]
  19. Bump
  20. I too noticed a NON staff member having it today over at the extreme mod site. Edit: PST Joker http://www.pbbans.com/sigs/31a.png
  21. Damn Once I saw the sig of the admin named [muncher] I knew what the real deal is. Gameservers is well not what they used to be. They "used" to support what ever anti cheat site(s) and you could do what yu want with your server. Times has changed and so has the people who run Gameservers. I wouldnt rent a server from them if my life depended on it. Sorry folks but by personnal experences and what I have learned in the last 4 months. F them. Sorry for the foul words and what not but Gameservers is crap. And oh their prices is a hugh rip-off period. Example, your own dedicated box. 500 bucks a month. I can get the exact same box with the exact network connection and its half that. Also remember that gameservers USED to be clanservers.
  22. I just noticed that also. I went to check my server status and it says NOT HuB streaming. Looks like the entire HuB is down by the looks of it.
  23. Update: All good to go PB-Admin: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name] PB-Admin: 1 1 pbbans PB-Admin: End of PB UCON Profile List (1 Entry) Thats what I get from rcon when I checked the UCON list
  24. Hub Game: COD:United Offensive Clantag: [RGN]
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