OK, Deadleydonsveertje received a reply back from EB saying his GUI is NOT banned. It's the only CD he has...
The aliases listed are other people who come to his house for LAN parties, these are different accounts with different GUI's. He can STILL access both servers streaming PBBANS and PsB.
The problem is not that he is on the ban list but can still play on the servers, the problem is that we have had our PsB account disabled as a result.
This is the link to his appeal with you: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=43517
It's very strange how it thinks that 4 different people are the same one. Could this be based on the I/P? If he hosted a LAN party and a person went online using their own GUI code whilst hacking, would that not flag as being the same person although numerous people went through the same router?
Just a thought as it's baffling the hell out of us at the moment. This is the one ban we have a problem with as we think that we know what happened with the other account after speaking with Terry from PsB.
Your ideas as to how this could have happened will be appreciated.