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Everything posted by Pegasus829(uk)

  1. Great news! BTW Multplay are currently doing a great deal on BFH servers, about
  2. Fantastic, hopefully won't be long as it's already been bust open by hacking scum :angry:
  3. Looking at the latest news about BF 1943 it would appear that a lot of the things implimented in Heroes have been taken to 1943. Maybe Heroes wasn't a waste of development money after all! I was a big fan of Heroes during the Beta stage but got bored of it very quickly. I think EA were hoping that it would be a popular 'for an hour or so's fun'. However, if you have a large group of friends that like to play alongside each other then it's not for you, or at least not if stays in the same format as the beta test. You are placed on a random server according to your skill level and there is no auto balance facility! Often people are ending up on a server with 7v1 or worse. To be fair, I haven't played the latest Beta (who'd have thought there'd be two betas!) so I can't say what changes have been made. Personally I think I'll wait for 1943 to arrive as it's already in some advanced stages and for only
  4. Me's thinks he's referring to another anti-cheat site that 'busts' people if you get where I'm going here... So he's right, it's not the best :biglol: Think he needs to get his facts straight before sprouting off on a forum, maybe that's why he hasn't replied he's too embarrassed to admit it! Damned hackers :P
  5. Hello, (have checked the REALLY long beta rules and various public announcements so it's all good) There is going to be a 'friends' system so you can play alongside your buddies. The intelligent server selection will have your friends list as one of its criteria. Can't say much more without losing my beta key but it's awesome! Advertising will pay for most of the game just the way the other 'play for free' games do. More info will be released by EA soon. Keep an eye on the bf heroes websites: BF Heroes.org Official EA BF Heroes Site Cheers, Pegasus
  6. :P Was sure it was PBB... Unless... Might have been PsB... Will get back to ya lol. Anyway, it's =HOTW= Home Of The Warriors (BF2) and the member was NoxiousRazor (I don't mind naming and shaming :D )
  7. Hello! Apologies for being away for so long :( Had to deal with the issue a numpty admin who decided to hack :angry: As a result of this moron we had our account suspended. Anyone know what we need to do to get our server account activated again? Cheers, am fed up of having to look up every suspicious person and want our server to stream again! Will do most things except give up a leg maybe ;) Pegasus
  8. It's not his GUID which is great but with him being an admin of =HOTW= and his name being on the PBBANS global ban list our PsB account has been disabled. This has also made our 'allies' UKSF withdraw association with the clan... Has caused some major upset to be quite honest. Is there any way that his specific ban can be lifted? If you would rather communicate by email please do hesitate to contact me on: [email protected] (only I can access it) Cheers, Pegasus
  9. OK, Deadleydonsveertje received a reply back from EB saying his GUI is NOT banned. It's the only CD he has... The aliases listed are other people who come to his house for LAN parties, these are different accounts with different GUI's. He can STILL access both servers streaming PBBANS and PsB. The problem is not that he is on the ban list but can still play on the servers, the problem is that we have had our PsB account disabled as a result. This is the link to his appeal with you: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=43517 It's very strange how it thinks that 4 different people are the same one. Could this be based on the I/P? If he hosted a LAN party and a person went online using their own GUI code whilst hacking, would that not flag as being the same person although numerous people went through the same router? Just a thought as it's baffling the hell out of us at the moment. This is the one ban we have a problem with as we think that we know what happened with the other account after speaking with Terry from PsB. Your ideas as to how this could have happened will be appreciated.
  10. Thanks for the replies so far, that's the whole point of why it's wierd. They are still using the same key as when they started, no change. They will both be appealing ASAP. Something has gone on and am rather hoping it gets sorted. Thanks so far. Pegasus
  11. They are not globally banned as our server is a punksbusted streaming server and they can still get on that server which still streams. They do not appear on any other evenbalance ban list only pbbans. On the same day as the latest ban deadley played on 4 other punksbusted/pbbans servers as these are the only servers we play on. Have there been any other reported faults as this really is quite alarming. The first link in my original post was supposed to be http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=55206 Apologies for the error.
  12. Hello, http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=42812 and http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=43349 Indicate two members of HOTW being banned for aimbot. Without a doubt these members do not hack, our server streams constantly and we play on the ATG server specified on a regular basis. Is there a possibility of an error in returning bans? This has stirred up a hornets nest amongst our own community and also amongst allies of ours. Proof being in the pudding, check out the stats of them both (especially NoxiousRazor :blink: ) Definately not hackers!!!!!! A reply would be greatly appreciated!!!!! Appeals going in from them tomorrow. Regards, Pegasus829(uk) =HOTW= Home Of The Warriors - Community Head Admin www.homeofthewarriors.co.uk
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