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Everything posted by TOGMouse

  1. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=66885
  2. yeah have waiting for a reply was just seeing if its a known problem if anything comes of it ill post the result
  3. hey got a player from our clan kicked for Multihack #70515 just seeing if anyone has heard of this number possibly being a false positive??
  4. yup all sorted 2 very relieved players
  5. hey guys thanks for having a look at this the 2 players kicked with that multihack violation were using a program called voice overlay an alternative to teamspeak overlay (teamspeak overlay doesnt work with a COD4 Mod) the voice overlay can be found here ---> http://www.voice-overlay.info.ms/ also one of the two is using a rank backup tool http://www.cod4forums.com/index.php?showtopic=4963 is there a possible glitch with this software causing a false positive thanks in advance mouse
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