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Everything posted by RocKDFU

  1. "Nobody said life was easy, but we were promised that the trip would be worthwhile .. Live the day! The best comes without expecting it..."

  2. Info here. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...ws+api+function
  3. It is now a dedicated server thats why i am now trying to get it streaming, i agree our old server was not but is rented :huh:
  4. Not that i know of i re did the config again?
  5. I configured my server for streaming so ill just wait till i get a reply.
  6. Hi I get the following message when trying to set my account for streaming. Is this because i applied back in Feb? Error You have already applied for admin status.
  7. Hi I would love to be able to stream my home based COD4 server sometime in the future, We are a small sqaud and do not have the funds to rent a server or the traffic to warrant one. Thanks RocKDFU
  8. Yeah I know i guess if i keep the master ban list upto date on the server i have some protection for my squad.
  9. Thanks for that fast reply. I filled in the details to stream a few months back because our server is hosted from a members home its not aloud or will not work. RocKDFU
  10. Hi Could anybody tell me were i need to save the master ban list to on my server so it will stop the banned players being able to get in. Thanks. Visit Our Website
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