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  1. Huh??? I dont believe I was asking for game support? Like I said Ive been in contact with EA and got we dont know, well look into it. No theres not an error message the whole game crashes to desktop. I was merely asking if you guys where famaliar with a hack for BF2 that can crash everyone on a server to desktop?
  2. Yea no kidding, Im sure BF2 is last on there list. So I should assume from youre reply thats this isnt a commercialy available hack and we are not under "attack"? But rather EA is finally melting...
  3. Anybody know whats going on with this? Im a admin of a server and we are experiencing frequent player crashes to desktop. We do stream PBbans. Its happens up to 10 times a day. Everything running fine and boom everyone crashes to desktop. Server doesnt restart, theres no spamming or chat flooding, everyone just crashes at once. 60 people poof gone. Its been going on for about 3 weeks now. Were used to the hacks spamming occassionaly crashing us, but this is happining so frequently the servers not populating. Weve reinstalled bf2 to server and dont believe to problem is us. EA suggests its on there end and may be due to server instablity from a increase in traffic. But Ive heard players say its happening everywhere and some have said its a new 187 hack . Some say they have been crashed to desktop on demand by a player using a cheat. Im not sure what it is, but its effectively killing our server.
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