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Everything posted by klaypigeon

  1. Account 2501 was started by a member of {LLC} [email protected]. He is no longer with the clan. I am the founder of the clan and need to have ownership of this account. What do I need to do? -kp Team Status Team is Active Account ID 2501 Access Code ---- Name Living Life Casually Tag {LLC} Website http://llc-ops.net/news.php E-Mail [email protected]
  2. Merge with the "other guys" MBL. There is no reason for there to be multiple master ban lists, it is ridiculous. Also, it would be nice if right on the front page or under "about" you spent some time explaining who you are and what you do rather than immediately launching into ban lists etc. Not a big deal, but useful.
  3. Well he said when he tries to add me it keeps saying invalid account name, nor can he find a way to delete the account so that I can set it up as the proper owner. Any ideas?
  4. Does he have to add me as a user? He sent me the account info but I dont see any way to login to the account.
  5. So using the Power Points feature of punkbuster where I have PB_SV_RList commands set and players showing in PB_SV_PowerList, how do people access these commands without knowing the rcon password? Do they still type /rcon pb_sv_kick or /rcon map mp_cargoship? [slot #] [Min. Power] [command] 1 [ 50] pb_sv_ban 2 [ 50] map 4 [ 50] pb_sv_unban 5 [ 25] PB_SV_PList 6 [ 25] PB_SV_Kick 7 [ 25] PB_SV_GetSs 8 [ 25] status 9 [ 50] map_rotate
  6. ya, thats my team. It looks like another guy pre-empted me and then said nothing. He runs our Dallas server, I run the clan and all the other servers. I will get added as admin. Thanks. -Theo
  7. When I apply for a streaming account I am getting this: *Your Clan Tag is in use. *Your clan name is in use. When I search the forum for other members ussing {LLC} I get only myself. Whats up??
  8. When I issue this command via HLSW or ModernRcon I get the list. When I shift~ and enter it in game, I get the header, but no list of players. Is there something I am doing wrong?
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