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  • Birthday 07/15/1962

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    Tennessee, USA

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    Rara Avises
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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. If you change the rate of fire of a weapon, it an exploit/cheat. Thats my opinion and seams to be that of most of the people I talk to. The G3 and M14 for example are set to be single fire weapons only. If you modify that, its an exploit/cheat. If your video card came with an option that you could set up so you could see through objects, would that be OK, I doubt that anyone here would think so. Hope you enjoy your mouse, looks nice. but in my opinion, you should be kick/banned from a server if you alter the weapons firing rate. JMHO
  2. Thanks for the comments. The way I see it, is that anytime you alter what the developer intended the firing rate to be, it an exploit/cheat. We (=RAV=) were on a server the other night and you can tell when people are using the mouse wheel to fire the G3 or M14. :blink: It would be nice if there was a way to detect these people and ban them. ;)
  3. Last night in our vent someone said that binding the knife to the mouse wheel is considered a cheat. When the game first came out I did have it set to the mouse wheel (click not roll) but for some reason I changed it and no have it bound to another key. just wanting to get the general opinion of everyone here or if there is a specific post that says it's a cheat, can someone point me in the right direction. :blink: :)
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