I refer to pbbans on a regular basis to keep myself and my clan informed on known cheaters to keep our server clean. I generally see it as a largely reliable hub for that sort of information. However I have one suggestion.
Some form of indication when a player is spoofed onto the banlist would be nice. My PlayerID/name is up there (under a different GUID and IP of course - spoofed by a known cheater) but now I've suffered immense repurcussions on my gaming because of it. My clans name has been dirtied, and when we win games I get regularly accused of cheating. I've been banned from servers by overzealous admins and often have to explain to multiple people what's going on.
Pbbans knows my GUID is clean, I know it, and I can prove it. But the wayward pbbans visitor, they're going to think I'm a cheat, and the policy of not hiding the spoofed PID has caused me numerous problems on numerous occasions. This site CAN be abused and there needs to be some form of failsafe for that.
So yeah, that would be my suggestion. Some indication on the ban reference itself that the actual player listed is a victim of a PID spoof. Given that pbbans is able to check GUID's attributed to a player for "cleanliness", surely this could be implemented?
The following 2142 bans are PID spoofs on genuine players who don't deserve to have their names tarnished:
http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=65971 (Real cheat = M.F.A - check IP range 88.108 for bans on pbbans and psb and you will find MANY entries)
http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=66671 (Real cheat = M.F.A)
http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=66986 (Real cheat = d3lit3 - also on pbbans twice)
And finally, http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=57633 my ban, one of the aliases of which is "UkBombard", who is also listed http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=59006 - 88.108 IP. Guess who.
Please stop cheats abusing your system to stop innocent players having fun.