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About Athanasios2104

  • Birthday 04/21/1986

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  • Name
    Hellenic Phalanx
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  • Game Played
    Battlefield 3
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  • Are you a Server Admin?
  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. We have 2x Bad Company 2 servers, the one ( is streaming without any problems constantly, the other (19576), by the time we activated Game Violations keeps stops streaming at frequent times. I did ran the UCON commands mentioned in this thread, and the server after running them shows active on both GV and PBbans. After a while, i get the email "PBbans server x stopped streaming etc etc" Any clue? :scratchchin:
  2. man, thanks for the answer but i have to say that i didn't understand a word from what you said :D 1) when we want to re-enable pbbans, we enter the quoted commands in the punkbuster console? 2) about the ucon streams, does that mean there's a way to keep pbbans running when we activate gv?
  3. We are forced to run Game Violations on our server when playing a CB match, which results in Pbbans being disabled. Ofcourse we want to run PBbans under normal circumstances, so, how are we going to switch to PBbans when we're done with the match? Is there a console command or we need to make a post requesting re-activation each time? Thanks in advance :) PS: The server currently not streaming is:
  4. one of our servers was reinstalled the other day and as a result the streaming stopped; i re-ran the auto web-tool and the message was that the server should be ready to stream, do i need to do anything else? Cause the current status it is as "disabled"
  5. thanks guys, but i thought there was also a command console that confirms pbbans streaming about EB, what are these "external" lists? And -obvious question?- why aren't they enabled by default? About the Leagues' list i uderstand that some people might not want their server logs to be scanned by their services, but i don't understand the reason of existence (!) of EB... extra security ofcourse, but what for, isn't PBbans enough? What are the AC sites?
  6. I added two bc2 servers first from Server Management entering the Join ports in the port field (not the command querry port) and clicked ok. Then, after checking the forum, i went to the webtool and ran it for both the server (now the field about the port was clear "RCON port"), as IP i put only the ip (without the join port). The webtool log did its stuff and in the end it said "no error occured during installation etc etc, connection closed"... Now, how can i check if the servers are actually streaming? Second question is about the External Bans options found in Server Management (level 1 and 2), what are these ones? Thanks in advance PS: The servers are: HEL-PX Mixed Normal HEL-PX Mixed HC
  7. We (Hellenic Phalanx) replaced our old Battlefield 2142 server with a new one and i just wanted to know if there are any more actions we need to do in the PBbans forum to activate the streaming. What we did so far is only to change the server in the Account Manager (deleted old server and added the new one, which currently needs to be approved by an admin). Thanks in advance [edit] The server on my sig and the one shown in the Account Manager is the old one. The new one can be seen if you enter the "Manage Servers" tab.
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