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Everything posted by Cornholio

  1. Hi all, I just bought a new game with key. Are you all REALY REALY REALY sure I just have to enter my new key ? I've reinstalled my windows some days ago. (but played some online games after that).
  2. So the problem is solved when I buy a new game ? I mean, when I enter a new Key, does my GUID change ?
  3. I know for sure, Because I re-installed my computer to make sure there are no hacks/trojans/cheats or what else are installed. I tried everything I could Besides this problem, When someone can help, I will help preventing others to cheat, by streaming my own server.
  4. sounds quite useless because they banned my ip (did they ?) anyways, I swear to god I didn't use any kind of cheat. Evenbalance said they couln't unban my account, but some at pbbans.com can. I allready own the full collection of call of duty games, because I really like this games, so why should I use any cheats with the correct key enterred ? Is there anyone who can please help me with this problem ?
  5. I did !! I bought the game in a retail store in the Netherlands ! I Own a original DVD with a key.
  6. I bought the game, so it's my key ;) when you click on Appeal this ban, it says pbbans.com doesn't appeal it without a confirmation from evenbalance. They tell me I have to contact pbbans.com ;)
  7. Hi All, Last week, I was not able to connect to a lot of CoD4 servers, because of a PB Ban. it seems that my GUID is banned at pbbans.com: GUID 48e9527bbae039cca8e7701868a971a8, http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=56827 It looks like someone else is/was using the same GUID as I do. But, This user lives in the USA, with Alias GameShark, I live in the Netherlands, Alias LeipeTiNUZ. What does a Violation (GAMEHACK) #89116 means ? And how can I get unbanned ? I allready tried to contact Evenbalance. this is their answer: Note #4: We do not find this violation to be triggered in error, and it will not be removed. It is at the discretion of the third-party ban list administrator to remove any ban given as a result of this violation. I'm not using any cheats (for as far as i know), I own a game with key tnx in Advance.
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