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About sprinter!

  • Birthday 09/10/1986

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    Leeds, England

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    Smart Gaming
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  1. kk, I get you. And I understand that, just all of a sudden there seems to be a bigger problem. Cross fingers checks come out soon. Also, for future reference, which part of the forum should I use, thats not public? Thanks in advance guys.
  2. I'd understand it being edited on a normal game forum, but on an anti cheat one where we are all against hacks and all that jazz, not quite getting that. Does this mean you know about the hacks which we arn't looking for with the checks atm?
  3. I know its prolly really hard to keep on top of things, but there must be a hack out atm that we're not picking up, over the last few days we have been flooded with people saying theres guys hacking. One example is a guy with the guid of 64c5c0979e3b66f8379c875478779ca8 Player name [Link Removed] which is a website i think. This guy isn't getting picked up for anything anywhere, and there seem to be a few of these guys on lately. Just letting you know. Great work btw guys!
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