I wanted to make you aware that I & 2 other partners have started a game server company called Epic Game Servers. Our website address is http://www.epicgameservers.com which we provide game servers as well as web hosting.
For technical questions, please email Mark Reese, Technical Administrator, at
[email protected].
For sales questions, please email Kevin Todd, Sales Administrator, at
[email protected].
We offer not only gaming servers, but professional servers as well. If there is a specific service you require, I will do my best to provide the service at a reasonable price.
Limited Time Offer-While They Last
Chicago Game Servers - Now On Sale!
Public - $1.19 per slot
Private - $.79 per slot
Dedicated Game Servers - $95
Intel Atom
1x 1.6ghz processor
250 GB SATAII 7200rpm Drive
1024 MB DDRII 400 RAM
100 Mbit Burstable Uplink
2,500 GB Data Transfer
3 Free Usable IP's
Fast Setup Times
Control Panel
Donation system
Cancel Any time
99.9% Uptime
Earn $ for each referral
24x7 Support
Install any game
No Setup Fee
Suitable for around 50+ slots.
Free website hosting and free voice hosting
Voice Servers - We sell Ventrillo & Team Speak
Speical Ventrillo - $.30 per slot
Customer Testimonial:
Our group has been around for three years and we've rented servers from about six different hosting companies off and on during that time. They were all either too big, had poor customer service, had inadequate hardware, went out of business, or some combination of those.
We decided to try EGS and have been very happy. Not only does our server appear very stable with low pings, but the staff is very helpful, professional, and friendly. I even had a couple of phone calls from support just checking to make sure I was all set up and happy on my end. Phone calls!!?? Are you kidding? That's the kind of personal attention I'm getting from this company. Never came close to that with other hosting companies. These guys are making a sincere effort to do it right.
Can't say enough. Highly recommended.
B3 - We also offer B3 on all COD servers.
Clan Packages - Just starting your clan, we have special clan packages that will suit your budget.
Please let me know how I can help you & your clan. Visit us today!
Best Regards,
Andy Fowler
Operations Administrator
Epic Game Servers
[email protected]