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Everything posted by SmartAgent86Max

  1. Sounds good to me. Yes, please leave me in the restricted user group so I can see when someone has said the ban is lifted. Thank you very much for your help!!
  2. Thank you, so I an unbanned now? If so, GREAT, THANKS!! Does the unban information get sent out immediately or does it take a while?
  3. Okay here is the link http://box3.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/...add2954cc1bee8a
  4. Oh so wait, you will set the post to invisible just after I post the link? or can I set the post to invisible somehow? I don't see that I could make it invisible...
  5. RIght - I know that - but the link to the even balance ticket contains the password and the ticket number... so all the cheaters would be able to click on the link and see what was in the link and probably also edit the ticket(since the even balance person has not closed it yet). And they could see the person's email address in the ticket. The link with the password deleted is http://box3.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/...amp;password=xx Do you see what I am saying? I would be posting the password to the ticket in an open area. Can you email me at the address I registered with and I will send you the whole link then?
  6. The ticket number is EB3629000272673 . But you want a direct link to the ticket? Won't that mean that every other person viewing this thread will be able to link directly into the ticket and edit it? Does one of the admins of this site want to email me (using the email address I registered with) and I can send you the link that way? The ticket text contains the email address of the even balance person... and I wouldn't want to give that away to everyone able to read this thread. Please let me know what I need to do thanks.
  7. Hi pbbans. I was banned on February 21st. I submitted a ticket to even balance and they unbanned me about 8 hours ago. In the ticket he says: "Please correspond with PunksBusted and let them know that we feel this ban on this guid should be lifted. If they have any questions, have them feel free to write me at <email address not posted here> and give them this Troubleticket number as a reference: <ticket number not pasted here> " Firstly - Are you the same company as punksbusted or not? WIll I be unbanned automatically, eventually? It doesnt seem like a good idea to post the even balance guys email address here or the ticket link which enables you to see the ticket itself since you and anyone else reading this would then have update rights. The GUID of my ban is 8ce0c9aaf8ab8231570fcad9beeafca2
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